Image Test

hydrus.bmp - original size

test image

Now at 150 pixel width

test image

snake.gif - original size

test image

Now at 150 pixel width

test image

snake_01.bmp - original size (this is the gif converted to bmp and then clipped)

test image

Now at 150 pixel width

test image

gsnake.jpg - original size

test image

Now at 150 pixel width

test image

csnake.jpg - original size

test image

Now at 150 pixel width

test image

hydrus.jpg - 150 pixel at original size

test image

Now at 150 pixel width

test image

snake_green.jpg - original width; it has a large white border around it

test image

HydrusGW.jpg - original size

test image

Hydrus040307.jpg - original size

test image