Sendmail, DNS and the Alcatel Speedtouch 510


This saga started when I finally decided to obtain my own domain name. While choosing a name wasn't particularly difficult (there's not many simple names left), I wanted to host the domain at home using crimson, my ancient Compaq Deskpro 120 (running FreeBSD), as the server. This meant many of the really cheap registration offers were not much use, as they only provided hosting and email redirection.

Digging around a little more, I discovered, which provides DNS services for free, if you define a name in their own domains, and $30 for an outside domain. I then stumbled on (this was from performing a whois on the owner of a domain name I fancied), which allowed one to specify alternate name servers, and charged 6.95 pounds for a two year registration.

Putting these two together, my domain name cost around £24. I first bought the Custom DNS service from, and entered my desired domain name. I then completed the registration form with I'm not sure what would have happened if the domain name had disappeared by the time I requested registration. I guess I would have had to delete the original entry and tried to identify a new, free domain for my use. That wasn't the case however, and in 24 hours my new domain,, was available for use.

This journal entry is split into a number of pages:

Building the Server
Sendmail Configuration
The Urge to Meddle
DHCP clients and /etc/resolv.conf
Loose Ends